
Social Gallery

Here you’ll find pictures from our presentations, events & outings etc.

The Boys visit Brum

Presenting the 2023 Beer of the Festival to Will & Linda of Tydd Steam Brewery

A tad more serious shot

Branch members enjoying the hospitality at Tydd Steam brewery

Branch Secretary Dave Casewell presenting 20022 Club of the Year to Russ Hibbitt of Empingham CSC

Our 2022 Pub of the Year and Pub of the Year runners-up presentations 14/5/23

Branch member Susan Holford presenting Rutland CAMRA’s 2022 Pub of the Year award to Peter Atkinson of The Grainstore Brewery TapRutland CAMRA’s 2022 Pub of the Year The Grainstore Brewery Tap

Branch member Susan Holford, Chair Rich Harris presenting Rutland CAMRA’s 2022 Pub of the Year runners-up award to Debbie and Gene of The Plough Inn, CaldecottRutland CAMRA’s 2022 Pub of the Year runners-up presentation to The Plough Inn, Caldecott

Regional Brewers Awards to both our Rutland breweries 22/4/23

Stephen Crook presents the award to Dean & Jill Baker Stephen Crook presents the award to Dean & Jill Baker

David Whittle presents the award to Peter Atkinson David Whittle presents the award to Peter Atkinson

Cider of the Festival Presentation 15/12/22 Dennis Gwatkin and David Whittle

Xmas Branch Outing to Leicester 10/12/22 Leicester Clock Tower The Salmon, Leicester Beer Screen Branch members in The Salmon The Blue Boar Beer Screen Branch members at The Blue Boar Some of the beers at The Ale Wagon

Summer POTS Presentation 9/12/22 Summer POTS Presentation, The Plough at Greetham